Essential Tips for Safe travel during Coronavirus Pandemic

 When you book a privatjet chartern, you are likely to be contacted at some point. The seller will be responsible for sourcing the aircraft, arranging travel details, arranging car services and catering, making sure the service providers are on the same page and doing precisely that, and in some cases, providing invoices to do and raise money. They are running a full desk. Although the idea of ​​dealing with just one person may attract some passengers, it can bring a few more problems down the road.


To avoid these problems and enjoy the white-gloved customer experience, you can hire a dedicated company in the coordination for the execution phase of your flight. In Flight Time, we call this section Trip Support. By selecting the private jet charter and helping you make informed purchasing decisions, Trip Support Team by Flight Time follows a well-developed process to ensure the proper organization of each flight, assuring customers. So that they feel comfortable and safe during each of their legs.


Travel support functions and benefits

When someone plans every detail of your flight, those tasks become saturated, resulting in holes in your trip. To avoid this, we have created a dedicated team to ensure your next itinerary. This process is also designed to allow Flight Time clients to track and monitor integration progress in real-time! Trip Support is responsible for supporting your trip, as the name suggests. They are trained for the overall security and private jet rent industry.


Here's what private jet charter will do for you:

1. Run a safety audit on what aircraft carriers are considering for their mission. Trip Support seeks the safest air carrier in the world. They will review the investigation report/security intelligence report and review the intended air carrier's operational history to ensure that there are no discrepancies on record. We do this for each flight to ensure that the airline complies with Part 135 operations, has no significant enforcement action against them and maintains an excellent safety rating.

2. Audit the crew. In addition to making sure the carrier is hired, they will take a look at the crew's history to meet all safety requirements. It is also essential for trip support to ensure crew members have no record of drug or alcohol abuse.

3. Check the tail number. When an aircraft is assigned to a Flight Time client, additional steps will be taken to ensure that the trip support and empty legs is appropriately certified and has no air or maintenance instructions.

 4. Make an itinerary. It works with the air carrier to plan your entire flight. They will advise the carrier's preferred FBO (Fixed-Base Operator) for departure and arrival and allow you to select the FBO location to work with the airline. The team will also confirm the date and time of release.

5. Provide the following flight. Travel support will keep you or your loved ones informed of every step of the journey. The post-flight process begins 24 hours before departure for a weather review, followed by a full review of trip details. Once the customer approves the details, all services of flugzeug chartern will be reconfigured one last time. Our trip support team confirms that every service has been delivered and that your trip is executed correctly on the day of departure.

 6. Provide additional concierge services. The private jet charter can help organize other details such as:

  • Ground Transport and F.B.O.
  • Stay overnight
  • In-flight catering and additional flight requirements
  • Meeting room and event space rental

In short, Trip Support will ensure your safety and ensure that your trip is thoroughly planned and executed.

When things don't work out on a private jet

 When this happens, the struts will still sit on the same side of the table in front of you. We will help you solve your problems and ensure that the result reaches its best.

In many ways, we have to adjust to how we travel. Although commercial airlines are struggling to accommodate holiday passengers, renting a short-haul flight with Flight Time is both possible and prudent. 

1. Book early - Demand for short-haul flights increased in the spring as companies and families lost their lives for safety. Some air charter companies have seen another boom when booking holidays for passengers. We suggest you do your best research, but don't wait too long to book a flight.

2. Know the hygiene protocols- we know the exercise: wear a mask, wash hands and minimize contact. But it is always worth checking the rules, significantly since they can change as the situation changes. The best source is the Disease Control Centers Visit page. C.D.C. Every U.S. in the site. It includes weekly updates for the state (and region), tips for safe travel, and links to local health bulletins for any journey.

Consider the benefits of a charter.

Connecting with family and friends is invaluable, but it is also valuable in protecting the health of all. We can't help you make that difficult choice, but we can give you a little insight into short-haul flights. Here is what the C.D.C. website says about air travel during an epidemic:

"Air travel requires time spent on safety lines and airport terminals, which can bring you into close contact with others and often lighter surfaces. Most viruses and other insects do not spread easily on flights because of how they circulate and are filtered in the aircraft. However, it is difficult to socialize in crowded flights, and sitting within 6 feet of others, sometimes for hours, increases your risk of getting Covid-19. "

The advantage of a private jet charter is that you will be naturally safe as you only travel with the people in your bubble. Here are some other benefits of our short-haul flights:


  • Many charter flights may use smaller regional airports or fixed base operator terminals, reducing contact with other passengers. Safety and baggage line-ups are minimal.
  • Generally, charter flights are booked point-to-point, which means there are no stopovers or switching aircraft, again avoiding contamination.
  • Our networked aircraft has high-grade H.P.A. air filters. Cabin air can be thoroughly filtered and refreshed every 90 seconds.
  • The private charter plane is comfortable. 


Manage reliable land transport

While taxis and ride-sharing are convenient, there are also potential microbial hazards. Our travel support is beneficial if you are traveling with dynamically affected children or people this holiday season.


Lean on our skills

When you call Flight Time, you will first be able to talk to a private flight consultant. You need to know where you are going and which plane you prefer private jet charter. Once the flight is decided, trip support will handle the rest. To ensure that a private jet is fully compatible for bookings ranging from scheduled departures to overnight stays, Trip Support will ensure that your trip is arranged exactly as you envisioned.


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