
Essential Tips for Safe travel during Coronavirus Pandemic

  When you book a privatjet chartern , you are likely to be contacted at some point. The seller will be responsible for sourcing the aircraft, arranging travel details, arranging car services and catering, making sure the service providers are on the same page and doing precisely that, and in some cases, providing invoices to do and raise money. They are running a full desk. Although the idea of ​​dealing with just one person may attract some passengers, it can bring a few more problems down the road.   To avoid these problems and enjoy the white-gloved customer experience, you can hire a dedicated company in the coordination for the execution phase of your flight. In Flight Time, we call this section Trip Support. By selecting the private jet charter and helping you make informed purchasing decisions, Trip Support Team by Flight Time follows a well-developed process to ensure the proper organization of each flight, assuring customers. So that they feel comfortable and sa...

4 Gründe warum private Charterjets sicherer sind als kommerzielle Jets

Wenn man die Vorteile der Anmietung von Flugzeugcharter Dienstleistungen in Betracht zieht, gibt es mehrere Wünsche zu berücksichtigen: Luxus, Bequemlichkeit, Privatsphäre. Es gibt jedoch noch einen weiteren entscheidenden Vorteil, der zu dieser Liste hinzugefügt werden muss: Sicherheit. Sicherheit ist etwas, das wir oft abheben, wenn wir durch die beeindruckende Sicherheitsbilanz unserer Branche fliegen. Doch manchmal, wenn wir die Nachrichten sehen, die uns auffordern, die Sicherheit kommerzieller Flüge neu zu bewerten, wissen wir, dass Millionen von Menschen jeden Tag sicher mit kommerziellen Fluggesellschaften fliegen werden.  Sicherheit, sagte er, sei mehr als ein Unfall; in der heutigen Zeit sollten wir auch in Betracht ziehen, mit dem Schiff zu fliegen. Laut Forbes Magazine gab es im Jahr 2017 4,1 Milliarden Linienflüge von Fluggesellschaften. Es gibt erstaunlich viele Menschen, die unabhängig von der fortschrittlichen Technologie und den umfassenden Sicherheitsmaßnahmen su...

4 Reasons why Private charter jets are safter than commercial jets

When considering the benefits of hiring Flugzeugcharter Dienstleistungen , there are several requests to consider: luxury, convenience, privacy. However, there is another crucial advantage that must be added to that list: security.   Safety is something we often take off when we fly through our industry's impressive safety record. However, sometimes when we see the news that asks us to re-evaluate commercial flights' safety, we know that millions of people will fly safely on commercial airlines every day.    Safety, he said, is more than an accident; in today's environment, we should also consider flying on the ship. According to Forbes Magazine , there were 4.1 billion scheduled airline flights in 2017. There is an astonishing number of people searching and searching regardless of the advanced technology and comprehensive security measures.   Despite these measures, it is possible that a well-intentioned person could slip through the cracks - in this ind...

6 Erschwingliche Möglichkeiten ein Privatflugzeug zu mieten

Es gab eine Zeit, in der kein Privatjet für den Flug ankam. Passagiere, die mit dem Privatflugzeug Mieten von einem Ort zum anderen reisten, galten als billige Unberührbare, da es keinen Preis für einen billigen Charterflug gab. Schließlich sollten sie nicht in langen Sicherheitsschlangen stehen, die strengen Regeln der kommerziellen Fluggesellschaften befolgen oder sich neben einen Fremden setzen. Tatsächlich reisten sie mit Luxus, während der Durchschnittsmensch nur von einer solchen Gelegenheit träumen konnte. Das hat sich heute geändert. Das Fliegen in einem Jet Chartern ist nicht mehr unzugänglich. Es gibt Möglichkeiten, wie Unternehmen jetzt ihre Zeit und Ressourcen optimieren. Helikopter Miete ist verfügbar und für die Massen erschwinglicher. Noch nicht sicher? Schauen Sie sich diese sechs Methoden an, um niedrigere Charterflugpreise für kürzere Zeiträume als erwartet zu finden. 1. Werden Sie Mitglied Bei einigen Unternehmen können Sie Mitglied ihres Clubs sein und ihre Fl...

6 Affordable ways to rent a private plane

There was a time when no private jet arrived for the flight. Passengers traveling from one place to another by privatflugzeug mieten were considered cheap untouchables as there was no such thing as the price of a cheap charter flight. After all, they should not stand in long safety lines, follow commercial airlines' strict rules, or sit up next to a stranger. In fact, they were traveling with luxury, while the average person could only dream of such an opportunity. Today, this has changed. Flying in a Jet chartern is no longer inaccessible. There are ways that businesses are now optimizing their time and resources. Helikopter Miete is available and more affordable to the masses. Not sure yet? Check out these six methods to find lower charter flight prices for shorter periods than expected. 1. Become a member Some companies allow you to be a member of their club, allowing you to use their aircraft. How does it work? You sign up and pay the initial fee, then pay monthly for the se...

Book your VIP Airliner on affordable prices | Germany

  The ultimate aircraft for private jet travel. These VIP airliners have been converted to accommodate smaller groups in VIP first-class executive seating and are popular for heads of state, offering comfort and luxury with sleeping arrangements for the principal. They are the perfect aircraft for worldwide tours.  What have been the limitations so far?  There are countries in Europe with wide and empty spaces, or with isolated areas. These places are often difficult to reach by car, train or scheduled flights. There are as well some routes in Europe that can only be operated by such aeroplanes because of some necessary performance capabilities or cost-efficiency. In several EU countries, some commercial operators of single-engine turbine airplanes are nevertheless – within limitations – allowed under derogation to carry fare-paying passengers or cargo (CAT- Commercial Air Transport) in IMC conditions or at night.  Other European countries have up to now been reluct...